
Useful Links To Eliminate Animal Testing


"Moving from rats to cellular omics in regulatory toxicology:

great challenge toward sustainability or “up‑shit‑creek

without a paddle?" Tralau and Luch 2015.

"Large-scale assessment of the Zebrafish Embryo as a possible predictive model in toxicity testing." Ali et al., 2011.

"Product Testing: Toxic and Tragic" People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA).

"Alternatives to Animal Testing." PETA

"The Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM)." National Toxicology Program.

"Animal research: a moral science. Talking Point on the use of animals in scientific research." Bernard E. Rollin, 2007.

"Research Alternatives, A Success Story." American Anti-Vivisection Society,

FitOldDog's Passing Ideas

1. Animal Advocate: Each Toxicology team should allocate one member of the team, preferably a Toxicologist, to be an Animal Advocate. The function of the Animal Advocate would be to come up with alternative, but equally effective, approaches to assessing the potential human (and environmental?) adverse effects of the chemical under investigation.

2. Demonstrate The Failure Of Existing Approaches. For instance, the Rat LD50 test is miligned by animal rights advocates, and it certainly gives little or no indication as to the nature of long-term toxicity of chemicals, or the underlying mechanisms. Can it be replaced, for a start at least?